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Have An Upcoming Hospital Stay? What Older Adults Need To Keep In Mind

Hospital stays, although extremely necessary at times when we are ill, can often present more risks than we are aware of. This is especially true for older adults. This blog piece will talk about the ways in which older adults should look out for themselves during a hospital stay.

Hospital Care And The Elderly

At some point in every older adult’s life, they may have to stay in a hospital for a short while. Unfortunately for other senior citizens, hospital stays may be a regular routine for them. As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to catching infections and illnesses requiring us to seek hospital care.

Many hospitals around the United States will have hundreds, if not thousands, of elderly patients seeking medical care for various illnesses and diseases at any one time. While this is a normal occurrence, not many older adults have been educated on the risks that they are presented with when staying in the hospital and how to recognize them.

It is important that if you are an older adult that has an upcoming hospital stay, that you are fully prepared and know how to keep yourself safe in the process.

Common Health Risks For Seniors During A Hospital Stay

Although hospitals are seen as safe and clean places for individuals to recuperate and recover from illnesses or accidents, it doesn’t mean that older adults are not at risk from other health concerns while in hospital care.

Older patients especially those who are staying in hospital wards, are a much higher risk of contracting an illness from another patient than they may realize. As we get older our immune systems begin to slow down meaning that we aren’t capable of fighting off the same viruses or infections as in our younger days. Oftentimes, at no fault of the medical staff, it is possible for an older adult to develop additional symptoms that are not related to the illness in which they were admitted for. For example, infectious diseases such as MRSA, pneumonia and the flu are rampant in hospitals.

It is not uncommon for older adults to be given new medication, vaccines or antibiotics as part of their treatment in hospitals. New medication can be a little riskier for older adults than other patients especially when it comes to adverse side effects. As we get older, we have to be very careful about the medication that we take especially if we have already been prescribed medication from our own personal doctor. Some medications and antibiotics can react badly with one another and cause serious side effects. In some cases, older adults can start to become delirious if new medication as part of treatment isn’t right for them.

Aging adults may also be at risk of falls or hurting themselves during a hospital stay. If older patients are sedated or given high-dose medication it is not uncommon for them to become disorientated therefore making it easier to fall if trying to walk unaided or while moving from a bed to a chair.

How To Be A Safe Patient

In order to stay protected while during your hospital stay, it is important that you practice being a safe patient. While the staff of nurses and doctors will be doing their best to ensure that you are treated and comfortable during your stay, you must also be due diligent about your safety too.

It is essential for older adults to speak up if they have any concerns or questions during a hospital stay. If you are unsure about why you are being given certain medication or want to understand a procedure better, make sure that you ask your doctor or nurse to explain it to you. Many of us automatically leave the medical professionals to do their jobs without asking questions but this shouldn’t be the case.

Make sure that you look out for the signs and symptoms of an infection. Doctors can only treat the symptoms that we tell them we have. So, while in the hospital if you begin noticing a rash or skin irritation let your doctor and nurse know immediately. This could be a sign that you are having a reaction to medication or that you have an infection. Suffering in silence or assuming it is part of your illness is never a good idea.

Finally, ensure that you and any visitors wash their hands properly. Most hospitals will have hand sanitizers available to use prior to visiting a loved one but it is still good practice as an older patient to wash your hands thoroughly while in hospital. With so many infectious diseases and illnesses around, being extra diligent about your personal hygiene is vital.

Ensuring You Age Healthily

While we all hope that we will age healthily as the years go on, oftentimes it is necessary for us to spend time in the hospital getting medical care. Just as it is important for us to make sure that we are kept safe at home, the same is true for while we are in the hospital. By keeping an eye out for risks and making sure that we speak up if something is wrong, there is nothing stopping older adults aging healthily even during a hospital stay.

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